Once you’ve booked your trip, the inevitable waiting game begins. You’re anxious to go, and it seems like you can’t focus on anything else. Likewise, if you’ve just returned from a memorable vacation, it can be difficult to get back into the swing of things. Read the tips below to help you deal with the pre- and post-vacation blues.
Spread out your planning. Even if you’re not a planner, planning for a vacation has shown to boost your mood. Why is that? Because you’re putting yourself in a mindset that you’re already there. Instead of tackling your planning your itinerary all at once, break it up over days or even weeks. It won’t overwhelm you and you’ll get a rush of excitement every time.
Talk about it. Sharing the excitement with your friends can not only make you appreciate your upcoming trip even more, it’s a great way to get insider tips on things to do, eat, and see! And don’t just limit it to your friends in-person, ask for recommendations on social media to get even more ideas.
Relive it through your senses. Just because it’s over, it doesn’t mean you can’t bring yourself back to that happy state. Since smell is the strongest sense tied to memory, think back to the smells you experienced and track down the source, or find it in a candle. Maybe it was fresh pine from the forest or coconut from a specialty beverage you enjoyed.
Plan something to look forward to. One of the best ways to get over vacation blues is to plan your next one. Say you loved the warm weather in South Florida. You can experience something similar with a trip to Destin on the Gulf Coast, or try something completely different. Maybe you’ll like a hike through Joshua Tree near Indio or paddle boarding in the fresh waters of Lake Tahoe.